There’s an interesting story in Waters about Kapital(pdf) and The Value of Smalltalk: valuing and risk management in VisualWorks and GemStone(pdf), a financial risk management and pricing system that was implemented in the early 90’s using VisualWorks and GemStone/S at JPMorgan. The system has been in use for over 13 years at JPMorgan and will continue to be used ‘for the foreseeable future’, largely because the system was written in Smalltalk and is giving the developers at JPMorgan the ability to stay ahead of the competition.

As a Gemstoner, I like the following quote (emphasis mine):

A small PCS installation of a few hundred CPUs will remain to support the Smalltalk GemStone database and those processes that are closely linked to it. “This will maintain the flexibility that developers have found so valuable,” says Verdier. “It is the best of both worlds.”

Check it out.