GemStone 101 is a series of articles on some of the fundamental concepts that you should have a passing familiarity with if you are planning on working with GemStone/S. These articles aren’t intended to replace the excellent documentation, but serve as a guide to the things that you can learn from the Programming Guide(pdf), SAG(pdf), and Topaz(pdf) manuals. It’s also a good idea to join the GemStone Customer Forum – all of our customers are subscribed to this mailing list and are very helpful if you have generic GemStone/S questions.

  1. What is GemStone? (series of 22 short videos about GemStone)
  2. Transparent Persistence for Seaside
  3. Introduction to GemStone Videos
  4. Unlimited GemStone VMs in every Garage? ….and a Stone in every Pot
  5. GemStone 101: Short Features
  6. GemStone 101: Transactions
  7. GemStone 101: Transaction Conflicts
  8. GemStone 101: Avi on GemStone’s Architecture
  9. GemStone 101: #allInstances, #become: and friends
  10. GemStone 101: Managing Out of Memory Situations
  11. GemStone 101: What objects are in my database?
  12. GemStone 101:Chef cookbooks for GemStone
  13. Why GemStone/S?
  14. Smalltalk is Dead? Long Live Smalltalk
  15. Gemstone for Everyone (video)
  16. GemStone 101: Making the Leap from RDBMS to Persistent Objects
  17. GemStone 101: Maintaining GemStone disk space